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Dev Release 99

August 19, 2024

Greeting BlockDAG Community,

Today's been a great kick start to this week's updates , development and planning processes. As each week passes, we find ourselves edging ever closer to the highly anticipated testnet launch of the BlockDAG Explorer. This launch marks a significant milestone, as the explorer will transition from the devnet phase to a more publicly accessible testnet. The testnet explorer will be equipped with a test faucet, allowing users to thoroughly test the platform's complete functionality. The main difference from the devnet is that the testnet will be more widely available, offering the community an opportunity to familiarize themselves with the user interface and operational capabilities.
Upcoming Features in the Testnet Explorer
The testnet launch of the BlockDAG Explorer will introduce several key modules that are essential for comprehensive blockchain exploration. Below is a detailed overview of these features:

  1. Blocks Module:
  • Overview: The blocks module serves as the backbone of the explorer, offering a detailed view of all the blocks mined on the blockchain.
  • Key Features: Users will have access to critical block information, including block height, timestamp, miner address, and the total number of transactions within each block. The module will also feature a drill-down capability, allowing users to explore individual blocks in greater detail.
  • User Benefits: This module is crucial for anyone looking to monitor the health of the blockchain, as it provides real-time updates on block creation and the flow of transactions.

    Transaction Module:
  • Overview: The transaction module enables users to dive into the specifics of individual transactions occurring on the blockchain.
  • Key Features: This module will display detailed information such as sender and receiver addresses, transaction amounts, associated fees, and transaction status. Users can search for and track specific transactions, making the blockchain transparent and navigable.
  • User Benefits: The transaction module ensures that all blockchain activities are traceable and verifiable, which is crucial for maintaining the integrity and transparency of the network.

  • Overview: The inclusion of a testnet faucet is a major enhancement, providing users with testnet coins that can be used to interact with the blockchain.
  • Key Features: The faucet will allow users to request testnet tokens, which can then be used to conduct transactions, deploy smart contracts, and engage with other features of the blockchain.
  • User Benefits: This feature is essential for developers and testers who want to experiment with the blockchain's capabilities without the risk of losing real assets. It also lowers the barrier to entry, enabling a broader audience to participate in testing and development.

    UTXO Modal Support:
  • Overview: The UTXO (Unspent Transaction Output) model is a fundamental concept in blockchain, particularly for blockchains that rely on transaction outputs to manage balances.
  • Key Features: The UTXO modal support within the explorer will allow users to view all unspent outputs on the blockchain. This feature provides clarity on which outputs are available for new transactions, enhancing the transparency of the blockchain's current state.
  • User Benefits: By understanding UTXOs, users can better comprehend how funds are managed and tracked within the blockchain. This feature is particularly useful for those developing or analyzing blockchain-based applications that require precise control over transaction outputs.

 MetaMask Integration:

  • Overview: MetaMask integration is a significant addition to the BlockDAG Explorer, enabling users to interact with the blockchain directly from their MetaMask wallet.
  • Key Features: With MetaMask integration, users can:
  • Seamlessly connect their MetaMask wallet to the BlockDAG Explorer.
  • Perform transactions directly from the metamask extension.
  • View their wallet balance, manage tokens, and sign transactions with enhanced security.
  • User Benefits: This integration streamlines the user experience by eliminating the need to switch between different applications. It also enhances security by allowing users to interact with the blockchain using their trusted MetaMask wallet, making the explorer more accessible and user-friendly for both new and experienced blockchain participants.

Smart Contract Support: A New Frontier

In today’s sprint planning, we’ve laid the groundwork for one of the most exciting developments yet: Smart Contract Support in the explorer. This development will start by next week once we're done with the UTXO testing and deployment on devnet environment. The major focus of the sprint planning was to discuss the feasibility of this feature in the explorer.

  • Overview: Smart contracts are self-executing contracts with the terms of the agreement directly written into code. They run on the blockchain, automating and enforcing agreements without the need for intermediaries.
  • Implementation Plan: The smart contract module in the BlockDAG Explorer will allow users to interact directly with smart contracts deployed on the blockchain. The module will include:
  • Contract Creation: Users will be able to write and deploy their own smart contracts.
  • Contract Execution: Once deployed, users can interact with these contracts by executing predefined functions.
  • User Benefits: The integration of smart contracts will enable developers to build decentralized applications (dApps) and automate complex processes directly on the blockchain. This feature is critical for expanding the utility of the BlockDAG network and fostering innovation within the community.

Progress Update: UTXO Support on blockchain explorer and More
Our development team is making significant progress with the UTXO support in both the blocks and transactions modules. We are approaching the final stages of development, after which the explorer will undergo rigorous testing to ensure it meets our high standards for performance and reliability. The devnet environment will serve as the testing ground before these features are deployed on the testnet, allowing us to identify and address any potential issues.

Updates on BlockDAG x1 Application

While significant progress is being made on the BlockDAG Explorer, this week’s primary focus is on enhancing the BlockDAG X1 mobile application. As we approach the testnet launch, it’s crucial that our mobile platform is not only feature-rich but also secure, intuitive, and user-friendly. Here’s a deeper dive into the key enhancements we’re implementing this week:
1. Password Functionality: Strengthening User Security

  • Objective: User security is a top priority, and we are committed to ensuring that the BlockDAG X1 mobile application meets the highest standards. This week, we are rolling out a robust password management system that will empower users to protect their accounts with strong, unique passwords.
  • Features:
  • Password Creation: Users will be guided to create secure passwords through built-in strength indicators and requirements (e.g., minimum length, use of special characters, etc.).
  • Password Reset: A streamlined process for resetting forgotten passwords will be introduced, providing users with multiple verification options to regain access to their accounts safely.
  • Edge Case Handling: We are addressing various edge cases, such as ensuring a smooth transition for existing users who may not have set up a password previously. This includes clear instructions and support for setting up passwords without disrupting their current access.
  • Impact: By introducing this functionality, we aim to significantly reduce the risk of unauthorized access to user accounts, thereby enhancing overall platform security.


2. Deep Linking: Enhancing Navigation and User Experience

  • Objective: Deep linking is an essential feature for modern mobile applications, allowing users to navigate directly to specific content or features within the app. This week, our focus is on implementing deep linking to create a more seamless and intuitive user experience.
  • Features:
  • Direct Access: Users will be able to access specific screens or features within the app via shared links, push notifications, or external sources, reducing the number of steps needed to find relevant content.
  • External Integration: We’re also working on integrating deep linking with external platforms, enabling smoother transitions from emails, social media, or web browsers to the BlockDAG X1 application.
  • Impact: This feature will greatly improve the user journey within the app, making it easier and faster for users to find the information or functionality they need, thereby increasing engagement and satisfaction.


3. UI Bug Fixes: Ensuring a Seamless User Experience

  • Objective: A polished and error-free user interface is key to a positive user experience. This week, we are dedicating resources to identifying and resolving various UI bugs that have been reported by users or detected during testing.
  • Key Areas of Focus:
  • Visual Consistency: Addressing inconsistencies in design elements such as font sizes, colors, and spacing to ensure a cohesive look and feel across all screens.
  • Interactive Elements: Fixing issues related to buttons, links, and other interactive elements that may not respond as expected, ensuring smooth and reliable user interactions.
  • Performance Optimization: Enhancing the app's performance by resolving bugs that cause lags, freezes, or crashes, particularly during heavy usage or in specific modules.
  • Impact: By addressing these UI bugs, we aim to deliver a more polished, reliable, and enjoyable user experience, minimizing frustration and maximizing efficiency as users navigate the app.

Load Balancing and System Scaling: Ensuring Stability

From the infrastructure level to ensure the smooth working of the mobile application we have startign focusing on making the application more strong from this side. Given the growing user base and the anticipated increase in application load, especially during global notifications, we've prioritized Load Balancing and System Scaling as a key area of focus.


  • Load Balancing Strategy:
  • We are implementing load balancers to distribute incoming traffic across multiple servers. This will prevent any single server from becoming overwhelmed, ensuring consistent application performance.
  • The load balancers will intelligently route requests based on server load, availability, and response times, thereby optimizing resource utilization and reducing latency.


  • System Scaling:
  • Auto-Scaling: To accommodate fluctuations in traffic, we are deploying auto-scaling mechanisms that automatically adjust the number of active servers based on real-time demand.
  • Horizontal Scaling: By adding more servers to handle increased load, we can ensure that the system remains responsive even during peak usage times.
  • Vertical Scaling: In scenarios where vertical scaling is required, we are prepared to upgrade our existing servers to more powerful configurations.
  • User Benefits: These measures are crucial for maintaining the stability and responsiveness of the BlockDAG X1 mobile application, especially as we roll out new features and expand our user base. Our goal is to provide a smooth, uninterrupted experience, even during periods of high activity.


As we push forward with these developments, we remain committed to delivering a robust and user-friendly BlockDAG ecosystem. The upcoming testnet launch, combined with smart contract support and enhanced mobile application features, represents a significant leap towards our vision. We appreciate the community's support and look forward to your feedback as we continue to refine and enhance our platform. Stay tuned for more

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