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Dev Release 98

August 16, 2024

Greetings BlockDAG Community,

Weekly Summary: This week has been an innovative and highly productive period for our team. In addition to ongoing development work on the BlockDAG X1 mobile application and Explorer, we also engaged in detailed sprint planning focused on system optimization and load testing of our platforms. Our primary objective was to enhance the performance and reliability of both the mobile application and the Explorer, ensuring they can handle increased user activity as our community continues to grow.
The week began with a strategic sprint planning session where we identified key areas for optimization. We prioritized tasks that involved the enhancement of the sync service, a critical component that significantly impacts the performance of the BlockDAG Explorer. By improving the efficiency of the sync service, we aim to reduce latency, improve data retrieval times, and ensure the Explorer can manage larger datasets more effectively.

To achieve these goals, we are employing several technical algorithms, including:

  • Bloom Filters: To reduce the amount of data transferred during sync operations by efficiently filtering out unnecessary data.
  • Merkle Trees: For secure and efficient verification of data integrity, which speeds up the sync process by only recalculating the changed parts of the dataset.
  • Delta Encoding: To minimize the data transmitted by sending only the differences between the current state and the previous state, rather than the entire dataset.

Load Testing Results and Optimization Insights

Yesterday, our team conducted extensive load testing on both the BlockDAG X1 mobile application and the BlockDAG Explorer. Today, we thoroughly analyzed the results to identify areas for further optimization to enhance the performance and reliability of our systems. These insights are crucial as we aim to continuously improve the user experience and ensure the robustness of our applications.

Through this analysis, we've identified several key areas where optimizations can be made:
1. Database Query Optimization
One of the significant findings from our load testing was the need to optimize database queries. Under heavy load, certain queries were taking longer to execute, resulting in delays in data retrieval and impacting overall system performance.

Planned Enhancements:

  • Indexing: We plan to implement additional indexing on frequently queried columns. Indexing creates a data structure that improves the speed of data retrieval operations on a database table. By indexing columns that are frequently used in queries, we can significantly reduce the time it takes to retrieve data, thereby improving the overall performance of the system.
  • Query Refactoring: We will refactor complex queries by breaking them down into more efficient subqueries. Often, complex queries can be optimized by restructuring them into simpler parts. This approach can reduce execution time and improve query performance by ensuring that each part of the query is as efficient as possible.
  • Caching with Redis: To reduce the need to repeatedly hit the database for frequently requested data, we are setting up a Redis cluster for caching. Redis, an in-memory data structure store, can cache the results of expensive queries. This means that once a query is executed and the result is stored in Redis, subsequent requests for the same data can be served much faster from the cache, rather than querying the database again.

These changes will reduce latency and improve the scalability of our database as the user base continues to grow.

2. API Optimization
The API layer, which facilitates communication between the frontend and backend, was identified as a potential bottleneck during load testing. Some API endpoints were slowing down under heavy traffic, leading to delayed responses and occasional timeouts.
Planned Enhancements:

  • Load Balancing: We are implementing load balancing to distribute API requests across multiple servers. Load balancing ensures that no single server is overwhelmed with too many requests, which can cause slowdowns and timeouts. By evenly distributing the load, we can improve the responsiveness and reliability of our API.
  • Endpoint Simplification: We plan to streamline our API endpoints to reduce the amount of data being transferred in each request. This involves optimizing the data structures being sent and received, removing unnecessary data, and ensuring that each endpoint is as efficient as possible. By reducing the payload size, we can improve response times and decrease the load on both the server and the client.
  • Rate Limiting: To prevent the system from being overwhelmed during periods of high traffic, we are implementing rate limiting. Rate limiting controls the number of requests a client can make to the API within a certain timeframe. This ensures that the system remains responsive, even under heavy load, by preventing any single client from monopolizing server resources.

These improvements will make the API more resilient, capable of handling a higher volume of requests without compromising performance.

3. Pagination Enhancement
Our current pagination logic, particularly when dealing with large datasets, was found to be less efficient, leading to slower loading times for pages displaying substantial amounts of data.
Planned Enhancements:

  • Lazy Loading: We will implement lazy loading to load data incrementally as the user scrolls. Instead of loading all data at once, lazy loading only fetches the data that is currently visible on the screen, fetching more data as needed. This approach significantly reduces initial load times and improves the user experience by making pages load faster and smoother.
  • Cursor-Based Pagination: We are shifting from offset-based to cursor-based pagination. Offset-based pagination, which relies on skipping a certain number of rows, can become inefficient with large datasets, as the database must scan through many records. Cursor-based pagination, on the other hand, uses a unique identifier (a cursor) to fetch the next set of data, which is more efficient and reduces the strain on the database.
  • Pre-fetching: To ensure seamless navigation, we will pre-fetch the next set of data while the user is viewing the current page. Pre-fetching anticipates the user's next action and loads the data in the background, making it instantly available when the user navigates to the next page.

By refining our pagination strategy, we anticipate a significant improvement in the responsiveness of our applications, especially in data-heavy modules.


The insights gained from our load testing have provided us with a clear roadmap for optimization. In addition to optimizing database queries, improving the API, and enhancing pagination, we are setting up a Redis cluster to implement a more robust caching mechanism. These efforts, combined with the use of advanced algorithms like Bloom Filters, Merkle Trees, and Delta Encoding, are aimed at delivering a more performant and reliable experience to our users.
Our team is dedicated to implementing these changes swiftly and will continue to monitor system performance to ensure that we meet and exceed user expectations. Stay tuned for further updates as we roll out these optimizations!

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