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Dev Release 83

July 26, 2024

Greetings BlockDAG Community,

Weekly Developer Update
As it's the weekend, let's begin with a quick recap of this week's activities and then dive into the latest updates on our mobile application.

Sprint Planning
We kicked off this week with a sprint planning session where we discussed all the tasks and aligned them with the team according to their capacity. The major functionalities tackled this week included the sign-in/sign-up module and deep referral. Additionally, we focused on a few enhancements from a security standpoint, such as hiding the user's balance and showing the dollar equivalent of BDAG coins.

Mid-Week Achievements
By mid-week, we achieved a new user onboarding flow, which was then moved to the testing phase. All the other enhancements and features were also transitioned to testing. Last week, we encountered an issue while trying to upload the latest build on TestFlight due to an error from Apple's team. We had to get in touch with Apple to resolve the issue. Once resolved, we successfully moved the latest build to the Apple Store.

Stakeholder Meeting and Requirement Adjustments
Later in the week, we had a meeting with the stakeholders to discuss the requirements for the PIN lock and mining history page. However, it was concluded that these requirements could be deprioritized for now. Instead, we decided to focus on supporting social media integration, which was added to the current sprint.

Huawei App Store Submission
In parallel, we submitted the application to the Huawei App Store. The application went live in two days, but unfortunately, we are facing challenges going live in India and Indonesia. We are actively working with the Huawei team to resolve these issues.

Blockchain Explorer in this sprint
This sprint also involved several internal and external demos of the blockchain explorer with stakeholders. We identified and need to resolve several design and redirection-related bugs at the development level.

Today's update on User Onboarding Module Testing

Here's a quick update on the latest testing of the user onboarding module.
Issues Identified
During testing, our QA team identified a few bugs in the module, primarily in the OTP functionality:

  1. OTP Resend Bug: When the user clicks on "Resend OTP," the loader gets stuck on the screen. This issue has been reported and is currently being addressed.
  2. Groups Filter Message: There is also an issue related to the text message in the groups filter. The message will be updated to be more specific, such as "Looks like there are no active users using your referral code."

Along with these two major bugs there are few minor bugs that are not blocker for the user but can be a good to have changes in the application.
We are working diligently to resolve these issues to ensure a smooth user experience. Stay tuned for more updates!

Today's Explorer  Updates

We're excited to share the latest updates on the explorer!
Design Changes and Feedback
The recent design changes are now complete and have been deployed on the explorer. We received feedback from external stakeholders yesterday, which included the following adjustments:

  1. Clickable Text Color: When users hover over clickable text, it will now change color for better visibility.
  2. Text Replacements: We have replaced instances of "Blocks" with "Transactions" for clearer terminology.
  3. Footer Improvement: The footer still needs enhancement to include social media links. We aim to have this updated by early next week.

Upcoming Launch
We are on track to make the explorer live at the start of next week, allowing users to embark on this exciting journey with us.

What Users Can Check
As this is the devnet environment, users can explore the following:

  • Blocks and Transactions: Users can view blocks and see the transactions within them. Please note that these blocks and transactions are for testing purposes only and do not represent real transactions.
  • Interact with the Explorer: Users can interact with the explorer by using the faucet to make test transactions.

Faucet Interaction Limits

  • Transaction Limit: Each address can only make one transaction per 24 hours.
  • Balance Limit: There is a limit on the balance an address can hold.

We are eager to see users engage with the explorer and provide their valuable feedback. Stay tuned for more updates as we get closer to the official launch!
Have a great weekend!

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