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Dev Release 111

September 4, 2024

Greetings BlockDAG Community,

Enhancements in BlockDAG Explorer's Sync Service and API Development
As we've reached the mid-sprint we are pleased to share our recent progress on optimizing the BlockDAG Explorer's sync service and developing a new API endpoint to fetch faucet transaction history. These enhancements aim to improve performance, reliability, and user experience. Below is a detailed overview of the improvements made and the technical rationale behind them.

1. Review and Optimization of Sync Service
The sync service in BlockDAG Explorer is critical for maintaining real-time data consistency between the blockchain network and our backend database. During the code review process there were cerntain comments for the developers to consider that we believe  identified multiple areas for optimization:


  • Improved Concurrency Management:
  • The sync service now uses a more sophisticated method to manage concurrent tasks. Instead of handling synchronization in a linear fashion, multiple workers are dynamically allocated to process tasks in parallel.
  • These workers are created based on current server capacity and network conditions, dynamically adjusting to changes in workload. By leveraging channels for communication between workers, we ensure that tasks are distributed efficiently across available resources.
  • This method reduces idle time and ensures that block and transaction synchronization occurs as quickly as possible, improving the system's responsiveness and scalability.
  • Batch Processing for Transactions:
  • To reduce network overhead, the synchronization of transactions has been optimized by implementing batch processing. Transactions are grouped into batches of a predefined size and sent in a single request to the network, instead of being processed individually.
  • This batching reduces the number of round trips between the server and the network, thereby decreasing latency. It also lowers the risk of network congestion and improves throughput, which is particularly beneficial during high-traffic periods.
  • Additionally, processing in batches helps manage database locks more effectively, reducing contention and enhancing overall system performance.
  • Enhanced Error Handling and Retry Mechanism:
  • To improve reliability, a robust error-handling mechanism has been implemented. If a network request fails, the system now waits for a short, configurable delay before retrying. This delay increases progressively, known as the "exponential backoff" strategy.
  • This approach allows the system to handle intermittent network failures gracefully without overwhelming the network with repeated requests. It also minimizes downtime by allowing for automatic recovery from temporary disruptions.
  • The maximum number of retries is set to prevent infinite loops, and detailed logging is enabled to monitor error rates and adjust retry strategies as needed.

Development of the getFaucetHistory API

To enhance user engagement and transparency, we have developed the getFaucetHistory API. This new endpoint allows users to view their faucet transaction history, providing detailed insights into their interactions with the network. Here are the key features of the new API:

  • Data Filtering and Pagination:
  • The API supports multiple filtering options to help users retrieve specific data based on transaction type, date range, status, or other relevant criteria. This allows for a more customized and efficient data retrieval process.
  • Pagination is implemented to handle large datasets effectively. The results are broken down into smaller pages, each containing a limited number of records. Users can specify the page size and page number to navigate through their data.
  • This approach reduces the load on both the server and client, improves data retrieval speeds, and prevents timeouts during large data requests. It also enhances the user experience by allowing for faster data access and less scrolling or loading time.
  • Caching for Improved Performance:
  • To further optimize performance, we implemented a caching strategy that stores frequently requested data temporarily. When a user makes a request for their faucet history, the system first checks the cache. If the data is available, it is returned immediately, reducing the need to query the database.
  • The cache is periodically refreshed based on a configurable expiration time to ensure that the data remains accurate and up-to-date. This strategy significantly reduces the number of database queries, lowering the server load and improving response times.
  • Caching also helps handle spikes in traffic by serving data more quickly, which is particularly useful during peak usage times when multiple users may request similar data simultaneously.

Summary of Improvements

Concurrency Management Enhancements:

  • The introduction of dynamic worker allocation allows multiple tasks to run concurrently, ensuring optimal use of server resources and reducing synchronization time. This enhancement leverages real-time monitoring of system load to balance worker creation and avoid overloading.
  • Batch Processing Algorithm:
  • By grouping transactions into batches, we minimize the number of network requests, reduce latency, and enhance overall synchronization efficiency. This method also allows for better database management by handling multiple updates in a single transaction, reducing the risk of deadlocks and data corruption.
  • Exponential Backoff Strategy:
  • The new retry mechanism handles network errors by gradually increasing wait times between retries. This prevents flooding the network with requests and allows time for issues to resolve. It also includes fail-safes to stop retries after a certain limit, ensuring stability and predictability in operations.
  • API Development for Faucet History:
  • The getFaucetHistory API provides users with a more granular view of their transaction history, with filtering and pagination features that improve usability and data management. This development aims to increase user engagement by offering transparency and easy access to information.
  • Caching Strategy:
  • Implementing a robust caching mechanism reduces server load and enhances performance by storing frequently requested data temporarily. The cache is managed to ensure data integrity and freshness, allowing for faster data access and reducing database strain.

These updates reflect our commitment to continuous improvement and innovation in the BlockDAG Explorer. We are confident that these enhancements will provide a more seamless, responsive, and efficient user experience. We welcome your feedback and look forward to further advancing our platform to meet the needs of our growing community.

BlockDAG x1 application updates:

We have some important updates regarding the BlockDAG X1 application. Our team has been actively working on two crucial fronts: expediting the iOS build review process and researching secure wallet connection strategies. Here's a detailed look at our recent efforts and what users can expect in the near future.

1. Expediting the iOS Build Review Process
To accelerate the release of the latest build of the BlockDAG X1 application on iOS devices, our team initiated direct communication with the Apple review team. This proactive step aimed to clarify any remaining issues and ensure that the build complies with all App Store guidelines.

  • Initiation of Direct Communication:
  • We set up a call with the Apple team to discuss and address the specific points raised during the review process. This included providing additional context on our app’s purpose, its data handling practices, and the measures we've implemented to comply with Apple’s guidelines.
  • By engaging directly with Apple, we aimed to clear any misunderstandings and expedite the review process. This also allowed us to demonstrate our commitment to maintaining high standards for user privacy and app functionality.
  • Anticipated Approval Timeline:
  • As a result of our efforts, we are hopeful that the iOS build will be approved within the next day or two. Once approved, iOS users will have access to the latest features, improvements, and security enhancements of the BlockDAG X1 application.
  • We appreciate the patience of our iOS users during this review period and remain committed to delivering a seamless experience across all platforms.

Research and Development of Secure Wallet Connect Strategies

In parallel with the build review process, our team has commenced an extensive research and development phase focused on integrating secure wallet connection strategies. This step is critical as the application will soon support mainnet funds, and we must ensure the highest level of security for our users.

  • Focus on Security Vulnerabilities:
  • Our R&D efforts are centered on identifying potential security vulnerabilities in existing strategies to achieve connectivity with the official website of blockDAG. This includes assessing risks such as unauthorized access, phishing attacks, and data breaches that could compromise user funds.
  • We are evaluating various wallet connect solutions, analyzing their strengths and weaknesses, and considering how well they align with our application's architecture and security requirements.
  • Development of a Comprehensive Security Strategy:
  • The team is working on creating a robust strategy that will not only safeguard the mainnet funds but also provide a seamless and user-friendly experience. This involves a detailed examination of cryptographic protocols, secure storage solutions, and secure user authentication methods.
  • Our approach includes leveraging multi-factor authentication, end-to-end encryption, and secure key management practices. Additionally, we are considering the implementation of hardware security modules (HSMs) and secure enclaves to further enhance protection.
  • Thorough Testing and Validation:
  • Before finalizing our wallet connection strategy, we will conduct extensive testing to validate its security and reliability. This includes simulating potential attack scenarios and performing rigorous audits to ensure all vulnerabilities are mitigated.
  • We are also planning to engage with external security experts for independent assessments and to ensure our approach meets industry standards and best practices.

Conclusion: Strengthening BlockDAG Ecosystem

Our ongoing efforts in both the BlockDAG Explorer and the BlockDAG X1 application reflect our commitment to delivering a robust, secure, and user-friendly ecosystem for all our users.
For the BlockDAG Explorer, the enhancements in the sync service and the development of new APIs are crucial steps towards ensuring a more reliable and efficient platform. These optimizations will enable faster data retrieval, improved performance, and greater transparency, providing users with a seamless experience as they explore blockchain data.

Meanwhile, for the BlockDAG X1 application, we are working diligently to accelerate the iOS build review process and integrate secure wallet connection strategies. Our proactive approach with the Apple review team demonstrates our dedication to delivering timely updates to our users. Simultaneously, our in-depth R&D efforts to secure wallet connectivity will ensure that mainnet funds are protected against potential threats, offering peace of mind to our users.

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